( also check news in our social networks and watch out for tour dates )
31. December 2024 You choose the speed and pace of the melody!
Now the Mike Breeze ♆ DIAVOL family features (besides download)
13. August 2024 For those of you who missed the facebook/vk.com posts with stories behind Diavol songs, now all of those stories are in one place in our DISCOGRAPHY section / Diavol! ♆
1. June 2024 Happy to announce the new creations:
With great sadness I have to cancel my today's performance at the amazing versatile
ROCK IN HELL - ROCK IN HEAVEN You can find all the shows here: 1 - ALIENS 2 - DEVILS 3 - FOLKLORE IN ROCK/METAL ...all episodes continued here: https://cba.fro.at/podcast/rock-in-hell-rock-in-heaven !
27. December 2022
2. April 2022 Mike Breeze has been doing a series of broadcasts on Freies Radio Neumünster
3. Animal songs: Ark Rock. ![]() 4. Cool cover versions - and unusual arrangements. ![]() 5. Rock vs. Jazz. ♫ 6. Gothic / Industrial / 90ies - and beyond. ![]() 21. December, 2019
22. December, 2018
1. Interview. (9. September)
July 30, 2017
It had become an instant fan favourite, even prior its official release. Also check out vk.com/visualmirror and facebook.com/Solowshow
December 27, 2016 Check out Solowshow*'s new video clip "Forgiven But Not Forgotten":
August 08, 2016 New limited edition Solowshow* shirts & pants
and the front cover:
January 29, 2016 The February 2016 issue (#69) of the Dark Spy magazine features
November 27, 2015 The December 2015 issue (#68) of the Dark Spy magazine features
October 07, 2015 SOLOWSHOW* is featured on 3 pages in the October 2015 issue of Berliner Telegraph, Germany.
September 30, 2015 The production of Solowshow*'s 2nd album has been finished.
September 10, 2015 Solowshow* celebrate 10th band anniversary with a video documentary,
mainly concentrating on the very first Mike+Leif live performance 10 years ago,
but also featuring in-depth interviews with Mike+Leif,
as well as lots of archive footage:
MIRROR PIANO GIG (feat. SOLOWSHOW*) - live 2005.IX.10 Kulturforum, Kiel
February 14, 2015
![]() The new Mirror single goes officially on sale on Valentine's Eve: 14.02.2015!
It will be sold at (Solowshow*) live gigs exclusively as limited edition.
Featuring 4 new unreleased special versions of Mirror songs!
Free preview: vk.com/photo10532796_354802705
1. Glitter Critter ~Dubstep remix~ [feat. JuViSun]
2. Valentine ~live~ recorded live in Kaiserkeller, Hamburg on 2009.IV.16
3. Heart Of Ice ~karaoke version~
4. Underwater Inauguration ~initial version~
January 20, 2015
![]() A big honour for Solowshow*:
An article in the 2015 Queen Fan Club mag #60, Germany!
They usually (naturally) don't write about other bands than Queen and Queen projects.
In the article it is explained why they made an exception...
The colorful printed magazine can be purchased on the German Queen Fan Club site:
Queen Fan Club site: queenfcg.de/fan-mail/aktuelle-ausgabe.htm .
December 29, 2014
![]() Finally on sale December 29, 2014: Solowshow*'s new single "THE WON"!
1. The Won (new track)
2. The Peacock Song (new track)
3. Solitary Shrine ~single version~ (Mike verse vocal)
4. I Can't With You ~guitar version live~ (Kiel-TV 2012)
iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/de/album/the-won-ep/id948721010 29-ого декабря 2014 наконец выходит в свет новый сингл Solowshow*: "ТHE WON"!
1. The Won (новый трэк)
2. The Peacock Song (новый трэк)
3. Solitary Shrine ~single version~ (вокал на куплетах: Майк)
4. I Can't With You ~guitar version live~ (Kiel-TV 2012)
May 26, 2014
June/July issue of German glossy magazine DARK SPY (on sale 26. May 2014)
includes a new Solowshow* song on the enclosed CD-sampler:
"The Peacock Song"
(lifted from the upcoming single "The Won").
The colorful printed magazine can be purchased on the site www.dark-spy.com
and bought in newspaper kiosks and bookstores in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Poland, Belgium.
![]() March 25, 2014
April issue of German glossy magazine DARK SPY (on sale: 28. March 2014) includes an interview with Mike Breeze
about Solowshow*'s upcoming new single and about Mirror,
as well as reviews of "Visuacoustic" & "Valentine's Eve"
and a Solowshow* song on the enclosed CD-sampler:
"A Distance To Get Closer" (from the album "Visuacoustic").
It is Solowshow*'s first appearance on a magazine cover!
Also, the magazine offers special limited lottery action with Solowshow* & Mirror discs and merch!
Who is smart enough to solve the quiz?
The colorful printed magazine can be purchased on the site www.dark-spy.com
and bought in newspaper kiosks and bookstores in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Poland, Belgium.
December 31, 2013
The Solowshow* live in Moscow digest video 2013 is finally available on youtube!
December 13, 2013
The year is over soon and Wintertime traditionally is the time of presents and surprises...
A huge Mike Breeze interview about Mirror etc. is published today on MetalTalk.net, UK,
Check it out:
October 2, 2013
We have been selling our new albums & merchandise (Solowshow* and Mirror) at Solowshow* gigs for the last 9 months, and we are happy to be finally able to offer You other opportunites to buy it, especially for the fans who could not attend our gigs so far! => SOLOWSHOW* & MIRROR RECORDS/MERCH ON SALE:
Solowshow* CD on amazon: Solowshow* on iTunes:
Mirror CD+DVD on amazon:
May 16, 2013
Tomorrow (Friday) Solowshow* fly to Moscow.
May 1, 2013
An exclusive interview with Mike Breeze in the May 2013 issue of MUZON! You can buy it here: http://gazeta-muzon.ru/508-muson-5-2013 April 22, 2013
The compilation "Pop Goes To The World" (Pop Rock Camp) is released today, featuring Solowshow*'s "Lust Garden" as track #2 on the list! Soon to be followed by "Carefully Selected Pop & Rock Ballads" (Starlight) on 10. May 2013, featuring Solowshow*'s acoustic cover version of X Japan's "Endless Rain"!
[Click the compilation titles to buy.] April 5, 2013
Московскими special guests на концерте Solowshow* в Music Town будут:
Еврозима и Peps Division с акустическими версиями своих и мировых рок-хитов! http://vk.com/event45003797?w=wall-45003797_48%2Fall Moscow special guests at the Solowshow* gig in Music Town:
Еврозима и Peps Division with acoustic versions of their songs and international rock hits! http://vk.com/event45003797?w=wall-45003797_48%2Fall We look forward to play with Peps Division for the first time.
We have already played with Eurozima in the past.
In 2008, at the Mike Breeze gig in Moscow, Vladimir (Eurozima guitarist) was special guest on stage. Eurozima's song "Life Without Sun" was co-written by Mike Breeze. And the 2012 Mirror album "Valentine's Eve" features the song "When I'm Dead" co-written with Eurozima. March 13, 2013
Solowshow* tour continues: O'Murphy's, Neumünster, Germany - 10. May 2013, Friday:
Music Town, Moscow, Russia - 19. May 2013, Sunday: March 12, 2013
N.E.C.A. store (Moscow) has created a set of extra merchandise for the SOLOWSHOW* gig in Moscow on 19. May 2013:
В мартовском номере газеты МУЗОН (в продаже в киосках прессы и на www.muson-russia.ru) опубликовано моё поздравление для девушек на 8-ое марта - female day!
Love - Mike Breeze*
February 5, 2013 The location for the Moscow gig of Solowshow*'s Visuacoustic Tour will be Music Town,
in the house of the Moscow Music Hall,
metro stations: Komsomolskaya or Krasnye Vorota.
19. May 2013 (Sunday), 18:30.
February 14, 2013 Solowshow* wine:
When Leif sings "Good-bye Valentino",
dedicated to Rudolph Valentino & Rudolf Nureyev, do you ever wonder
what is "the blood of the gods" that "doesn't taste" any more?
Well, now it tastes again!
Taste the Solowshow* wine BLOOD OF THE GODS!
Available at all Solowshow* gigs,
as well as for purchase online and in the shop in www.vini-italia-monfroni.de !
Two flavours: Merlot Corvina Vineto & Sicilia Rosso.
February 1, 2013 The webzine "Trash And Riot" posted a nice review (in German) of Solowshow*'s live in Kiel, which took place on 24. January 2013 as part of the Visuacoustic Tour, which is still running:http://trashandriot.com/krev/solowshow1.html Details on the location of the Moscow show in May 2013 will be posted soon.
December 23, 2012 _________________________ On Friday, December 28, 2012, SOLOWSHOW*s (acoustic duet of Mirror's Mike Breeze and The Pleasures' frontman Leif "Dancette" Astroid) long-anticipated debut CD album "Visuacoustic" goes on sale. The album contains seven original songs and two cover versions (X Japan's "Endless Rain" and Queen's "I Guess We're Falling Out"). SOLOWSHOW* is going on a live tour with songs from the new album, as well as some Mirror compositions. From 28. December 2012 on you can purchase the music here: http://www.veddma.com/mirror/music.html as well as on upcoming Solowshow* live gigs. _________________________ MIRROR's 2es Album "Valentine's Eve"
wird am 27. Dezember 2012, Donnerstag, auf limited edition Vinyl (schwarz mit roten splashes) und CD veröffentlicht. Die Musik wurde exklusiv von Mirror (Mike, Ramin, Ian) geschrieben und performt. Das Album beinhaltet neue Kompositionen wie "Deep Down Below", sowie auch Songs, die schon in der Vergangenheit live performt wurden, wie "Rock", "Glitter Critter", "Nuclear Sky", "Hamburg Underwater" und eine neue Fassung der Single "Valentine". Die CD Edition beinhaltet eine bonus DVD und eine bonus CD mit noch mehr neuen Songs, alternativen Versionen und Kollaborationen mit anderen Künstlern, wie Gregory Schwartz (Gorky Park's Ko-Autor in 1989), Vladimir Suhotinskiy (Eurozima), Leif "Dancette" Astroid (The Pleasures, Solowshow*) und anderen talentierten Musikern. Mirror planen keine Tour in naher Zukunft, deswegen hat man, als Geschenk für die Fans, eine neue unplugged live-in-the-studio performance für die DVD aufgenommen. SOLOWSHOW*'s (akustisches Duett von Mirror's Mike Breeze und The Pleasures' Frontmann Leif "Dancette" Astroid) Debutalbum-CD "Visuacoustic" erscheint am Freitag, den 28. Dezember 2012. Das Album beinhaltet sieben Originalsongs und zwei Coverversionen (X Japan's "Endless Rain" und Queen's "I Guess We're Falling Out"). Die Band SOLOWSHOW* geht auf eine live Tour mit den Songs vom neuen Album, sowie einigen Kompositionen von Mirror. Ab 27. Dezember 2012 kann man hier die Musik bestellen: http://www.veddma.com/mirror/music.html sowie bei künftigen Solowshow* live Gigs. _________________________ WATCH MIRROR & SOLOWSHOW* VIDEOS: http://www.youtube.com/visualmirror .
CHECK OUT MIRROR & SOLOWSHOW* DISCOGRAPHY+TOUROGRAPHY: http://www.vk.com/visualmirror . MIRROR ON FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mirror/190595087631951 . SOLOWSHOW* ON FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Solowshow/219088731452341?sk=info. SOLOWSHOW* GIRLIE PANTS ON SALE ON ALL GIGS & IN THE NEKO SHOP: http://vk.com/albums-12834456?z=photo-12834456_294043681%2Fphotos-12834456 . SEE MIRROR'S "BUTTERFLIES IN THE RAIN" JEWELLERY: http://ny-image1.etsy.com/il_570xN.240746133.jpg . BUY MIRROR'S "BUTTERFLIES IN THE RAIN" JEWELLERY: http://www.facebook.com/pinkabsinthe.eu . _________________________ SOLOWSHOW* - VISUACOUSTIC TOUR -
(more dates to come / mehr Termine kommen) 29. December 2012, 20:00: Nightlife Nightlive, KIEL-TV, Germany
http://www.okkiel.de 18. May 2013, 18:00: MOSCOW, Russia t.b.a. http://vk.com/event45003797
August 12, 2012
July 26, 2012
May 7, 2012 Mike Breeze's discography and tourography with Mirror & Solowshow* is now available as documents to download on http://vk.com/visualmirror .
January 24, 2012 All Mirror / Mike Breeze music+lyrics released so far are now available for listening+preview on http://vkontakte.ru/groups.php?act=s&gid=3307687 .
January 6, 2012 "I have written an article for the German site "Underground Empire" about the legendary Russian rock band Gorky Park. You can find it here: http://www.underground-empire.com Enjoy! ~ Mike Breeze"
December 31, 2011 "Happy new dragon's year to all of Mirror & Solowshow* fans!Let's rock in 2012 together! I am sending these congratulations to all of you, but people from Kharkov/Ukraine asked me for a special message and I created a little video for them: vkontakte.ru/video86803061_161679939 . Check it out! See ya! M.B."
August 1, 2011 "My article about Queen (dedicated to their 40th anniversary) was published in ROCKCOR in the August issue. And my article about X Japan will be published in the September issue.Sadly, on 17. July 2011, Taiji Sawada (1966-2011) died, aged just 45. I love all X Japan members, but he was one of my special heroes. Not only because he also played bass. I loved his tasteful bass & guitar playing, his songwriting, his image and his wonderful paintings. I hope there will be a Taiji exhibition sometime soon! Taiji ever free, heroes never die! R.I.H.! (Rock In Heaven!) Stay tuned for Mirror and Solowshow* news sometime soon... and stay alive! - CU - Mike"
May 2, 2011 "I am still alive!
June 6, 2010 September 12, 2009 September 9, 2009 September 7, 2009
January 13, 2009 On 16. April 2009, Thursday, MIRROR play the *Valentine* live Gig in the legendary KAISERKELLER in Hamburg, famous as the live "birthplace" of The Beatles and as a hip Rock / Gothic / Metal club. Old favourites like "Heart Of Ice" will be played, as well as new songs like "Valentine" and "Rock". Leif "Dancette" Astroid will sing guest vocals on a couple of songs. The show is going to be filmed. Before the show, scenes for the new video clip "Rock" are going to be filmed. This concert is important for us and we want to see everyone of You there! Let's rock!!! Further acoustic solo live gigs are planned for the "Mike Breeze + Leif Astroid" duet. Work on the new Mirror record is being continued. Furthermore, we co-operated with Gregory Schwartz, the lyricist of some hits from the first GORKY PARK album (including "BANG") on a new song, which will supposedely be called "ZERO". November 10, 2008 Mike Breeze + Leif Astroid play another acoustic live gig in Hamburg on 22. November 2008:
October 13, 2008 The
gig in the Rock*n*roll Pub in Moscow was very joyful!,
September 8, 2008 Mirror's
new CD single "Valentine" is released today.
August 28, 2007 official statement from Mike Breeze: "Wow! We celebrated our SHOCKING DEBUT release party on Friday, 24th August 2007 and it totally fucking ruled! Kukuun in Hamburg proved to be a nice location, What a night! Rock'n'roll is worth it and if You fight for Your prize, Thanx to everyone who visited us at that evening! Special thanx to our driver Carkus Schröter While Mirror are busy working on the next record Flash (punk / glam
/ metal, St Petersburg) 2. October 2007, Tuesday, 8pm, entry: 4 euro. **** Cheers ~ Mike Breeze" |
July 30, 2007 MIRROR *Shocking Debut* RELEASE PARTY |
July 10, 2007 After a long wait,Shocking Debutour Final, M+L Tour in Germany and Russia and after the 26. June 2006 "RED DYE" single CD release, now it is time to continue the history of Mirror! On 30. July 2007, the "HEART OF ICE" single is being released on CD and on vinyl. The song is, after "Red Dye", another Mirror song from the upcoming album, this time - a melodic ballad, already beloved by fans all around the world. Once again, the CD/vinyl single will include non-album songs (!) as bonus tracks: "Dearly Screw" is a rocking party song with a giant choir of screams, including Leif Astroid (Jubilee*, The Pleasures), Andreas Libera (Cold Embrace) & many more. "You Can't Hide" ~Coalescene NY remix~ is a great electronic version of the album's opener produced & executed by Manuel Pilgrimm of Coalescene. The CD version of the single has one more bonus track: the sad piano ballad "Nuclear Sky" featuring glorious guest vocals of Leif Astroid (Jubilee*, The Pleasures) & BAT (Radkick). Once again, the single's inlay card has all the songs lyrics printed. On 13. August 2007, the "SHOCKING DEBUT" album CD itself will finally be released featuring 15 songs (!) and 4 instrumental compositions (!). Including the both singles' title tracks "Red Dye" & "Heart Of Ice", the familiar "Come To Me Baby", a heavy speed metal version of the Russian "Kalinka", the 16-minute-long instrumental epic "Shocking Suite", the jazzy old-fashioned "Night On Broadway", and many other tunes. The album also includes a huge colorful booklet. On 20. August 2007, the "SHOCKING VIDEBUT" video DVD will be out on sale featuring Mirror's video clips (including "Come To Me Baby", "Heart Of Ice", "Kalinka", etc), a live-on-tv medley performance and a couple of live-in-concert songs. Check out the lyrics, hear & watch the samples in the music section! Also find there the shops list to buy these products. There are plans for a release party + live gig in Hamburg on 24th August 2007, Friday. Watch this space! |
April 12, 2007 We have put an unreleased live version of "Golden Blues" onto our myspace
site www.myspace.com/visualmirror.
People who bought "Red Dye" might know the recording process of the song
from the bonus... "Golden Blues" will be track # 15 on the upcoming "Shocking
Debut" CD-album. This live audio recording of "Golden Blues" that You
can find on myspace now is exclusive at the moment. However, the main
aim is to direct our myspace fans to this official site because the credits
say that all information about studio recordings as well as samples of
other songs can be found here, on mirror.veddma.com.
March 15, 2007 A new in-depth interview with Mike Breeze (in Russian) is published here: http://eternalart.ru/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=2713 |
March 9, 2007 Today's Bremen gig cancelled / re-scheduled |
** M+L TOUR 2007 ** Mike Breeze (Mirror) & Leif Astroid (Jubilee*, The Pleasures) play
acoustic shows again featuring hits of Mirror, Jubilee*, hide and incidental
glamorous surprises... After a number of live gigs in Germany and Russia,
the acoustic M+L tour continues! 9. March 2007, 8:00 PM: 30. March 2007, 8:00 PM: |
December 29, 2006 Those who bought Mirror's RED DYE cd-single, know that the songs "When
Flukes Attack" and "The Little Battle" are soundtrack to the book series
*Crystal Yorkshire*. This book has been released in Germany now. The book's
author has made the following press release in German: |
October 6, 2006 Thanx to all the fans from Mannheim, Hamburg, Rendsburg, Lübeck, Neumünster, Einfeld & Kiel who attended our live gig in Trauma / Traumgmbh on 5.X.2006!!! Mike by Peter P Mirror by Peter P Mike, Leif, Fans 2006 by Niina |
October 3, 2006 The Russian Mirror site is opened now, please visit it at http://www.mirror-russia.nm.ru. A new remix of Mirror's ballad Nuclear Sky (from the upcoming Heart Of Ice single) featuring Leif Astroid [Jubilee*, The Pleasures] and BAT [Radkick] has been published on http://www.myspace.com/tweakerray. Support act for Mirror's live gig on 5. October 2006 in Trauma (Kiel, Germany) has been confirmed: http://www.no-way-rock.de. Check the official press release, scrolling down there: http://www.traumgmbh.de/konzert.htm. |
July 6, 2006 Next Mirror Gigs July 21, 2006 - Haus 73 (theater week) |
June 26, 2006 RED DYE as the first CD single from "Shocking Debut" has been released
on 26. June 2006 featuring 3 bonus audio tracks and 2 bonus video tracks.
The track listing is:
Shops that sell Mirror CDs, DVDs & merchandising:
June 17, 2006 Thanx to all the fans and the involved for the perfect first Moscow gig
of the MIKE & LEIF team yesterday!!!
May 14, 2006 Mirror Tour Dates are out! June 5, 2006 - Pony BarAllendeweg 1, Hamburg, Germany * M + L TOUR * (MIKE Breeze + LEIF Astroid) Acoustic versions of hits of Mirror, Jubilee* and some visual rock / visual kei cover surprises... Pony Bar is a cozy club near the famous Hamburg university. Entry => free. June 16, 2006 - Mir Prikluchenij (Club Adventure) staryj Arbat 20, Moscow, Russia * M + L TOUR * (MIKE Breeze + LEIF Astroid) Acoustic versions of hits of Mirror, Jubilee* and some visual rock / visual kei cover surprises... Mir Prikluchenij is a club in the centre of Moscow, at the famous Arbat! MIKE + LEIF play at 19:00. Entry => 200 roubles. June 17, 2006 - LasTochka Novomytischinsky prospekt 52, Mytichi, Moscow, Russia * M + L TOUR * (MIKE Breeze + LEIF Astroid) Acoustic versions of hits of Mirror, Jubilee* and some visual rock / visual kei cover surprises... LasTochka is the top-rated Mytischi club with a small scene, big dance poll and nice interior. MIKE + LEIF play at 21:00 Entry => 100 roubles for girls, 200 roubles for guys. October 5, 2006 - Traumfabrik Grasweg 19, Kiel, Germany ** MIRROR @ TRAUMA ** Mirror finally appear live as a full band to rock YOU again! Special guests will appear... Support: Radkick, Erben Des Zorns, CospiratoR. Entry => 5 Euro. |
April 28, 2006 There is a new Mirror interview (in English) available here: www.optimumimpact.co.uk/index.php?p=5&id=20 |
February 9, 2006 There is a new Mike Breeze interview available here: www.rocketqueen.de/int_mirror.php |
February 2, 2006 New audio samples from the upcoming Mirror releases are online |
October 18, 2005 On Halloween 2005 - 31. October, Monday - the beloved team will be on stage again: Leif Astroid (Jubilee*, the Pleasures) featuring special guest Mike Breeze (Mirror) will play a special unplugged show in the Pony Bar at the university, Allende-Platz 1, Hamburg, Germany. Everybody is welcome! |
October 7, 2005 On 6. October 2005, Mirror rocked Berlin together with The Pleasures
and Roadtrip.
Septemer 11, 2005 |
September 7, 2005 After Mirror's well-accepted "Shocking Debutour", the "Shocking Debutour
Final" will take place: |
July 19, 2005 Work in progress Mike has given his beloved bass into the hands of the known artist Christian Friedrich. As it can be seen on the pictures, the instrument is being embelished with custom design, as wished by Mike Breeze. The artist Christian Friedrich ist the person, also known as doctor Charly Nonsense in the song "Sometimes". Ex-bar-owner Christian also had offered his rock'n'roll club location Sanatorium for "Red Dye" video clip shooting and designed the "Shocking Videbut" DVD cover. |
July 14, 2005 Mirror Sheet Music and Merchandise on Sale Now After many requests for Mirror sheet music notebooks, a book with Mirror's music is finally released by mirror records / mirror publishing. The book "Mike Breeze MIRROR ON PIANO" is out on sale now and features the piano score for Mirror's "Golden Blues" written by Mike Breeze. After the CD-album's upcoming release in summer, the book will be available in the same shops as the album. Also available now: All items available on tour now. |
July 4, 2005
Mirror's Shocking Debut short film online now in the music section for free download. Upcoming Mirror tour dates (Shocking Debutour Final) The "PIANO GIG" featuring special guests On 1. October 2005, Saturday, at 20:00, On 6. October 2005, Thursday, at approximately 20:30, |
March 14, 2005 Due to re-construction works at the studio, the release date of Mirrors new CD / DVD is postponed from June to August 2005. To make the long wait more bearable for the fans, the decision has been made to update the download section of the Mirror web site. New download available to show some fresh colors of the new upcoming releases... The audio work-in-progress mix of "Red Dye" is a preview of the "Red Dye" single, expected to be released in July 2005. This version is a rough mix and not completely mastered yet. But this single preview might give a hint to the audience of what the song is like. The band (Mirror) hopes that people will buy the single even after downloading this early preview version for free. There will be some additional recording, cutting, mixing and mastering prior to the singles and albums release.
December 14, 2004 Mirrors live gig in Kulturforum on 10th December was recorded on video by 3 cameras for possible inclusion of some songs onto the upcoming "Shocking Videbut" DVD in 2005. However, the concert kicked off with a spontaneus short rendition of Panteras "Walk" as a tribute to Dimebag Darrel (guitarist of Pantera and Damageplan) who was tragically killed by a shooter at a Damageplan on 8th December in Ohio. Official statement from Mike Breeze: "I did not want to write anything on this topic, because almost every rock musician in the world commented on it already, much better than I can, but then I realised that it is my duty not to remain silent on this tragedy. Dimebag was a cheerful positive guy and one of the most influential guitarists in the world. His death hit me really hard as if I was a member of his family. In fact, I was, in some way, as a Pantera and Damageplan fan. Ramin was also shocked and upset by this awful event. Our love goes to Dimebag as well as Vinnie and the rest of Dimes family and friends. Dime, we will never forget You! Keep on rocking with Freddie, hide, Bonham, Lennon and the rest of the heavens crew! Dimebag - rest in peace! -Mike" |
October 6, 2004 Unfortunately, a live stage has not been built in KIR in Hamburg until now, due to technical problems with eqipment. It means that Mirror / Jubilee* / Coalescene live gig in KIR on October 19th, 2004 is cancelled. But the KIR management was so kind to find a replacement gig for the bands: On November 15th, 2004, Monday, Everyone is welcome! So, after re-scheduling some of the dates, the rest of the SHOCKING DEBUTOUR 2004 - SHOCKING DEBUTOUR FINAL GIG 2005 - (with piano + special guests) - |
September 15, 2004 Mirrors live gig in Kulturforum in Kiel was postponed (due to technical reasons) from September 18, 2004 (Saturday) to December 10, 2004 (Friday). The other dates remain as scheduled. |
September 11, 2004 After a successful live performance at the Freevival Festival in Kiel, Mirror continue the SHOCKING DEBUTOUR 2004 as planned, the next gigs being September 18 in Kulturforum in Kiel and October 19 in Kir in Hamburg-Altona. As a special promotion act for the upcoming SHOCKING DEBUT album Mirror decided to make an appearence (live, interview, etc...) on KIEL TV station on November 27, 2004, Saturday at approximately 20:00 West European Time. KIEL TV can be received via cable TV on channel 9 and simultaneously on radio 101.2 Kiel FM. Everybody in Northern Germany should be able to receive KIEL TV without farther investigations on their normal TV sets. Also a SHOCKING DEBUTOUR FINAL piano gig with special guests |
June 20, 2004 Mirror are ready to announce the SHOCKING DEBUTOUR: August 13, 2004, Friday: Freevival Festival, Kiel, Germany. September 18, 2004, Saturday: Kulturforum, Kiel, Germany. October 19, 2004, Tuesday: Kir, Hamburg-Altona, Germany. The gig on October19 is scheduled to feature 2 support acts for Mirror: However, hardships recording the album SHOCKING DEBUT forced Mirror to
delay the albums long anticipated release from August to late Autumn 2004.
June, 2004 New photos have been posted to our gallery. Check them out » |
May, 2004 Mike Breeze visits New York to shoot some photos with photographers Alfia Sadekova, Alsu Sadekova, Sylu Sadekova and Roman Abelis, and also to sign a successful distribution deal for upcoming Mirror releases and mechandasing with http://www.bleeckerbobs.com which is the oldest independent rock, metal & gothic music store in New York as old as 30 odd years. After being involved with Extreme Shop, Dark Age and Lost&Found in Germany, Mirror have finally a fabulous distribution shop in America being Bleecker Bobs in New York. Mirror's plan for the Summer is to finish recording the album with Stefan Walter mixing and shooting some video clips with Oliver Rost as director. Also a photo session with photographers Christian & Denise is planned. All rhythm pilot programming with click track as well as piano final tracks have already been recorded some time ago. The album and its singles is supposed to be released as a mirror records effort, with either the German label Bear Records or the German label Red Green Music helping out with the official concerns. Release dates currently scheduled for late August / early September 2004. After a long concentrated search, the new ultimate Mirror drummer has been found. He is a full member of Mirror now. On the album he will be involved not only as drummer, but also as co-writer and backing vocalist, just like all Mirror members. His name is Christian Weidner. He already played drums with Mirror at the last gig with Jubilee in Hamburg in April 2004. New photos available... On 13th August 2004, Mirror have been invited to play live at a Freevival rock festival in Kiel, Germany. Mirror are scheduled to play as co-headliners, pre-last at approx. 22:30. Visit the festival's site at: http://www.freevival.de. The October Mirror gig in Kir, Hamburg-Altona, has been secured with 2 support acts for Mirror being Jubilee http://www.jubilee-music.com and Coalescene http://www.coalescene.de. The latter band (Coalescene) also plan to remix Mirror's new version of "You Can't Hide" from Mirror's long awaited upcoming album "Shocking Debut". |
April 2, 2004 Miror play Schaubude in Kiel, Germany together with the rock band from Hamburg called Jubilee* http://www.jubilee-music.com and electro-pop / gothic EBM band from Neumünster/Hamburg called Coalescene http://www.coalescene.de. Mirror's new drummer is Ian Weid. He is the best possible replacement for Mirror's drummer for this concert. He is supposed to become Mirror's full-time new member. After the gig Mirror plan to continue recording the upcoming album. |
February 21, 2004 Mike Breeze was invited to sing backing vocals for the song "Love Of My Live" at a Queen musical in Kiel, Germany. It was a great show and a tribute to a great rock band. |